Patient Questionnaire and Medical Information Sheet Please complete the form below. Alternatively, you can download a PDF version here. 1Introduction2Current Medications3Medical History4Surgical History5Family History INTRODUCTION...... This information sheet is intended to help gather information about your medical history, to assist the consultation. Any responses that you are not able to complete, for whatever reason (e.g., uncertainty, not enough space provided, confidentiality) can be discussed during the consultation.GENERAL INFORMATION... Full NameDate of BirthPlace of BirthMarital Status Married / Defacto Single Widowed Separated / Divorced Next of KinDependants / ChildrenReferring DoctorMAIN CONCERN / REASON for CONSULTATION... ReasonALLERGIES... Do you have any allergies? No Yes 1. Allergic to:1. What happens?2. Allergic to:2. What happens?3. Allergic to:3. What happens?WEIGHT... Current weightkgIdeal weightkg CURRENT MEDICATIONS... Are your currently on any medication? No Yes If yes, please detail below1. Medical Condition1. Drug & Dose1. Frequency2. Medical Condition2. Drug & Dose2. Frequency3. Medical Condition3. Drug & Dose3. FrequencyDo you regularly take any over the counter medicines, vitamins, complimentary or herbal medicines? No Yes If yes, please detail belowDetailsSMOKER... Do you or have you ever smoked? Never Yes Previously - stopped How much do / did you smoke?___ per day for ___ yearsALCOHOL INTAKE... Alcohol Intake Never Yes Previously - stopped How much do / did you drink?___ per day for ___ yearsDIET... Have you ever been diagnosed with... Iron deficiency Yes No YearVitamin B12 deficiency (pernicious anaemia) Yes No YearCoeliac disease Yes No YearVitamin D deficiency Yes No YearDoes your diet include the following...Dairy Milk Yogurt Cheese Cereals Grains Bread Breakfast Cereals Meat Red Meat Chicken Fish Vegetables Potato Green Leafy Vegetables Fruit Yes FOOD ALLERGIES...Do you have any food allergies Yes No Have you been hospitalised during the past year? Yes No If yes, please detail belowHave you been treated or hospitalised for any of the following:Asthma Yes No Asthma - CommentsEczema Yes No Eczema - CommentsRash Yes No Rash - CommentsChest Infections Yes No Chest Infections - CommentsRecent Infections Yes No Recent Infections - CommentsMigraine / Severe Headache Yes No Migraine / Severe Headache - CommentsSeizures / Epilepsy Yes No Seizures / Epilepsy - CommentsDiabetes Yes No Diabetes - CommentsYear: YYYY | Insulin Injections: Y/N | Tablets: Y/NUrinary Tract Infection Yes No Urinary Tract Infection - CommentsDiverticulitis Infections Yes No Diverticulitis - CommentsHeart Problems Yes No Heart Problems - CommentsHigh Blood Pressure Yes No High Blood Pressure - CommentsArrhythmia / Abnormal Heart Beat Yes No Arrhythmia / Abnormal Heart Beat - CommentsHeart Attack / Myocardial Infarction Yes No Heart Attack / Myocardial Infarction - CommentsAngina Yes No Angina - CommentsBleeding / Bruising Yes No Bleeding / Bruising - CommentsDeep Venous Thrombosis (clot) Yes No Deep Venous Thrombosis (clot) - CommentsSite: | Warfarin: N/YPulmonary Embolism (lung clot) Yes No Pulmonary Embolism (lung clot) - CommentsDetailsShingles / Chicken Pox Yes No Shingles / Chicken Pox - CommentsCold Sores / Whitlow Yes No Cold Sores / Whitlow - CommentsHepatitis Yes No Hepatitis - CommentsLearning Difficulty Yes No Learning Difficulty - CommentsPhysical Disability Yes No Physical Disability - CommentsDepression Yes No Depression - CommentsOther Emotional Concerns Yes No Other Emotional Concerns - CommentsOther (Details?) Surgical HistoryYearReasonYearReasonYearReasonYearReasonHave you ever had...Joint Replacement Yes No Joint Replacement - DetailsBroken Bone Yes No Broken Bone - DetailsMajor Head Injury Yes No Major Head Injury - DetailsDental Extraction Yes No Dental Extraction - DetailsWhen was your last dental examination?Do you wear dentures Yes No Dentures - DetailsImmunisation... Have you been immunised for the following?Influenza (this year) No Yes Unsure Previous years eg since Previous years eg sinceWhooping cough (Pertussis) No Yes Unsure Grandparents Pneumococcus (Pneumovax) No Yes Unsure >65yrs, no spleen Haemophilus (Hib) No Yes Unsure Lung disease, low immunity Chickenpox / Varicella (Zostervax) No Yes Unsure Recurrent shingles >50yrs Hepatitis B and/or A No Yes Unsure Papilloma Virus HPV (Gardisil) No Yes Unsure Diphtheria/Pertussis/Tetanus No Yes Unsure Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR) No Yes Unsure Meningococcal No Yes Unsure Tuberculosis (BCG) No Yes Unsure Other (eg travel) Family History...MotherStatus Alive Died Died at ___ yearsFatherStatus Alive Died Died at ___ yearsChildrenyearsChildrenyearsChildrenyearsBrothers / SistersyearsBrothers / SistersyearsIs there any family history of leukaemia lymphoma bleeding thrombosis cancer Other relevant information about family members / illnessesCOMPLETED BY...Thank-you for your time. When you have your consultation, please let me know if you have any questions about this form.Name First Last SignatureDate MM slash DD slash YYYY